I am so thrilled to be your librarian next year! Please stop by and see us, and we will help you find an awesome book.
The following presentation is an effort to begin developing a high school library that will be inclusive to all learners. The UDL(Universal Design For Learning) is imperative to implement.
Ensuring that every student sees himself/herself in the books of the collection is unquestionable. Creating an atmosphere and design for the library that allows every student of every gender, race, SES, religion, and sexual orientation is pivotal.
These resources will assist in establishing the type of inviting climate that I hope will permeate every classroom within our building. I hope you enjoy this collection.
We would like to offer some space on our website to showcase the tremendous talents of our Raider family. If you have a poem, short story, or work of art that you would allow us to showcase, please feel free to send your submissions to Mrs. Carroll Email. Please share only original pieces for this section. We look forward to sharing the outstanding talents of our students with everyone who searches our website.